June 7, 2023

Pregnancy Resource Centers: Providing Hope and Support for Mothers and Fathers

On June 7th, the House Republican Policy Committee conducted a hearing titled "Pregnancy Resource Centers - Helping Mothers and Fathers". This hearing, hosted by Rep. Klunk and Rep. Schemel, aimed to shed light on the invaluable services provided by Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) and the positive impact they have on the lives of women and their families. PRCs are integral to developing strong families and empowering the next generation to become parents. The committee was joined by PRC providers and clients, who shared inspiring stories of hope and assistance. These centers offer resources, support, and care to mothers and fathers from all backgrounds, empowering them with the tools they need for a brighter future.

The testifiers that joined the Policy Committee were as follows:

“How We Help” Panel

Amy Scheuring - Executive Director, Women’s Choice Network

Chelsey Youman - National Legislative Advisor, Human Coalition

Jill Hartman - Executive Director, A Woman’s Concern

“Who We Help” Panel

Quinn Laffin - Client, Women’s Choice Network

Crystal Morales - Client, A Woman’s Concern

Lindsay Smith - Client, A Woman’s Concern

Nicholas Luccarella - Client, A Woman’s Concern

Agenda - Bios – Testimony 

“*Cute cooing*”
Rocky & Harmoney 

Testaments to the Work of PA Pregnancy Resource Centers

How We Help

Amy Scheuring, Executive Director of Women’s Choice Network (WCN), began the day’s hearing by sharing the services provided by PRCs. Amy, and the men and women who staff PRCs, offer compassion and care free-of-charge to mothers, fathers, and children. WCN serves approximately 100 clients each month in Pittsburgh, confirming a new baby's arrival every day. The center offers free ultrasounds to women, with 80% choosing to continue their pregnancies after receiving the opportunity to view their unborn child. Additionally, WCN provides for abortion pill reversals, counseling, and healing for mothers who have experienced past abortions. Even if a client is not currently pregnant WCN offers free STD testing and treatments to those in need. Importantly, WCN extends its support to expectant fathers, providing educational and fellowship programs to prepare men for fatherhood and encouraging strong families.

“Our mission is to be transformational in the lives of women and families.”

Amy Scheuring
Executive Director, Women’s Choice Network

 Chelsey Youman, National Legislative Advisor for Human Coalition, joined the panel to share the resources and assistance available through her PRC, as well as the success rate of their efforts. Human Coalition has found that when mothers considering abortion are asked if they would prefer parenting under better circumstances, 76% respond with a resounding YES. This statistic shows that mothers, when offered assistance and care, will choose to parent if able.

An important consideration in parenting is healthcare and insurance costs. PRCs offer assistance and care to all clients, including those without insurance or on Medicaid. Chelsey shared how the first step in ensuring long-term care is to provide families with health insurance, which can be achieved for families in any situation. Human Coalition recognizes the significance of outside support networks for women concerned about parenthood, and everything is done to empower a mother’s independence to prepare her and her family for a healthy future. To maintain contact and support during the COVID pandemic PRCs like Human Coalition utilized telehealth services to extend their resources to women at their home and within rural communities. Women and families required assistance all throughout the Commonwealth, and PRCs want all parents to know that help is available wherever they may be and in whatever circumstance they find themselves in.

“We’re providing women with empowerment, independence, and a life of hope and love with their family.”

Chelsey Youman
National Legislative Advisor, Human Coalition
Jill Hartman, Executive Director of A Woman’s Concern (AWC), concluded the “How We Help” panel by sharing some further services offered by PRCs. The key to receiving services is to know they are available, so AWC takes proactive steps to provide accurate information to women searching for "abortion" on Google, ensuring access to informative blogs, videos, and articles. When women and families face obstacles in their lives it is important that they receive direction towards the long-term family-sustaining services offered freely by PRCs.

A Woman’s Concern, and PRCs throughout the Commonwealth, are composed of dedicated teams including registered nurses, certified sonographers, and maternal fetal medicine specialists. These professionals are no different than what is available through a doctor’s office, and the highest standards of care are provided. AWC goes the extra mile by freely providing essential items like diapers and formula to clients, no questions asked. AWC, like most PRCs throughout PA, relies on community donations (83%) and reimbursements from Real Alternatives (17%) for funding. AWC, just like WCN, has begun to serve women who face complications after using chemical abortion pills obtained online without medical oversight, offering them proper care and guidance.

“When the outside world says that someone is too poor, too young, too uneducated to bring a child into this world; we counter by providing help through education, material assistance, resources, and referrals. Not just until the baby is born, but until the baby’s first birthday.”

Jill Hartman
Executive Director, A Woman’s Concern

Following the testimony of Pregnancy Resource Centers, it is clear that help for women and families is provided in a multitude of ways. No matter a woman’s financial situation, location, or personal obstacles, free and loving assistance is a phone call away. Guidance, resources, and supports are provided from the moment of conception up until the child’s first birthday. These Pregnancy Resource Centers, and the selfless service they provide, are a testament to what is good in Pennsylvania.

Who We Help

The highlight of the day’s hearing was the testimony provided by mothers, fathers, and their children. It is encouraging to hear of the services provided by PRCs, but the impact of these services in the lives of families is what is most important. Clients of PRCs come from all walks of life and all corners of the state, and resources are provided to all in need.

“I’m grateful for Woman’s Choice Network. They provided me with an education about my options and informed me of all that was available to me… I was in the right place.”

Quinn Laffin
Client of Woman’s Choice Network, Expectant Mother

Quinn was the first to share her experience as an expectant mother and client of Women’s Choice Network. Quinn was busy finishing her schooling and entering her career in a new city when she unexpectedly discovered she was pregnant. She lacked local support as she had recently moved, and her family and the baby’s father live many hours away. She, like so many other expectant mothers, searched online for resources in her area and found Women’s Choice Network. She immediately received all the medical assistance and testing her baby required, was surrounded by caring staff that listened and assisted in her journey, and found a support network close to her new home. Quinn expressed that the most crucial service provided by her PRC was the emotional support and relationships she’s formed with PRC staff. An unplanned pregnancy while far from home seems insurmountably difficult, but Quinn was encouraged to know that she had kind people to rely on for her health and the health of her baby. She visits Women’s Choice Network bi-weekly for check-ups, and will continue to do so until her child is a year old.

“I’m so grateful for A Woman’s Concern. They have helped me become the great mother I am today.”

Crystal Morales
Client of A Woman’s Concern, Mother of Harmoney

Crystal was already a mother when she learned of the services provided by A Woman’s Concern. She was 8-months pregnant when she happened to meet A Woman’s Concern staffer while assisting a client of her own. Crystal works full time as a social worker, and like so many others experienced financial and support concerns for the lives of her children. Through A Woman’s Concern Crystal learned parenting best practices, received resources to support her children, and made lifelong friendships. She brought her baby daughter, Harmoney, to the hearing as a testament to the services she received as a client of a PRC. Harmoney will continue to receive support up until her first birthday, and Crystal expressed that she is incredibly thankful for the resources provided to her and her baby through A Woman’s Concern. For working moms like Crystal, state or federal programs do not come close to providing the care and support that can be accessed through PRCs.

“A Woman’s Concern cares deeply and offered support without judgement.”

Lindsay Smith
Client of A Woman’s Concern, Mother of Rocky

Lindsay Smith and Nicholas Luccarella brought their son, Rocky, to the day’s hearing to share the impact A Woman’s Concern has made on their growing family. Both Lindsay and Nicholas have attend parenting classes and have grown closer through their time with AWC. Lindsay was most grateful for the medical knowledge provided to her to ensure her children stay safe and healthy, and Nicholas was most grateful for the supportive network of fathers he was introduced to. Both mothers and fathers benefit from the services provided by PRCs.

Dads are often not the focus of discussion when it comes to pregnancy, but that is not the case with PRCs. Nicholas shared that through A Woman’s Concern he was introduced to a supportive network of other fathers through a program called “Courageous Dads”. This program equipped him with valuable parenting skills as well as other men working to be the best dads they can be. The friendships made through A Woman’s Concern will be lifelong for Lindsay, Nicholas, and baby Rocky.

Recognizing the value of a 2-parent household PRCs offer couples therapy to encourage strong families. Nicholas and Lindsay attending couples therapy, strengthened their relationship, and are now happily engaged and living together with their growing family. PRCs offer more than assistance with pregnancy, they enable for healthy families that grow into strong communities.

“Courageous Dads aligned me into a place with a purpose... AWC saved my dream to finally have a family of my own. A true home to come back to every day.”

Nicholas Luccarella
Client of A Woman’s Concern, Father of Rocky

The House Republican Policy Committee's hearing highlighted the compassionate and vital services offered by Pregnancy Resource Centers. These centers, like Women's Choice Network, Human Coalition, and A Woman's Concern, play a significant role in empowering and supporting mothers and fathers from all walks of life. By providing assistance, education, and care, Pregnancy Resource Centers provide hope and encouragement for families across the state. The testimony from clients like Quinn, Crystal, Lindsay, and Nicholas underscore the positive impact of these centers on the lives of families, helping them navigate through the challenges of parenthood with love, support, and hope.