Policy Committee Tours Acco Materials
Aug. 22, 2019 / Embed
State Rep. and Chair Woman of the Republican Policy Committee Donna Oberlander describes the committee's tour through the 93rd district.
Jones, House Committee Tour Local Businesses
Aug. 22, 2019 / Embed
On Monday, Aug. 19, state Rep. Mike Jones (R-York Township) hosted a portion of the House Republican Policy Committee’s tour of southcentral Pennsylvania businesses. The first stop was ACCO Material Handling Solutions in Spry, a York County business since 1928.
Policy Committee Central PA Business Tour
Aug. 22, 2019 / Embed
The Pennsylvania House Republican Policy Committee tours Central Pa's communities to listen to and act upon their concerns.
Workforce Development Tour at Hollabaugh Bros. Farm & Fruit Market
Aug. 22, 2019 / Embed
State Rep. Torren Ecker tours the Hollabaugh farm and fruit market in Biglerville. Hollabaugh's grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables and is located just 10 minutes from Historic Gettysburg, PA.
Workforce Development Tour at Hollabaugh Bros. Farm & Fruit Market
Aug. 22, 2019 / Embed
State Rep. Sheryl Delozier tours a farm and fruit market in Biglerville. Hollabaugh's grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables and is located just 10 minutes from Historic Gettysburg, PA.
Rep. Klunk's interview on the PA House Republican Policy Committee's Tour of Hollabaugh Bros., Inc. Fruit & Farm Market
Aug. 22, 2019 / Embed
State Rep. Kate Klunk tours a farm and fruit market in Biglerville. Hollabaugh's grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables and is located just 10 minutes from Historic Gettysburg, PA.
Workforce Development Tour at Hollabaugh Bros. Farm & Fruit Market
Aug. 21, 2019 / Embed
Chair of the Pa. House Republican Policy Committee, State Rep. Donna Oberlander tours a farm and fruit market in Biglerville. Hollabaugh's grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables and is located just 10 minutes from Historic Gettysburg, PA.
Workforce Development Tour at Hollabaugh Bros. Farm & Fruit Market
Aug. 21, 2019 / Embed
Member of the Pa. House Republican Policy Committee, State Rep. Barb Gleim tours a farm and fruit market in Biglerville. Hollabaugh's grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables and is located just 10 minutes from Historic Gettysburg, PA.
Launching New Business
Aug. 13, 2019 / Embed
State Rep. Dan Moul explains the latest working of the Policy Committee. Helping startups de-risk their businesses, "LaunchBox" initiative will support aspiring entrepreneurs with their business and product ideas from the earliest stages.
Struzzi At Majority Policy Committee
Aug. 13, 2019 / Embed
State Rep. Jim Struzzi explains that he would like to share the LaunchBox model throughout Pennsylvania. Helping startups de-risk their businesses, "LaunchBox" initiative will support aspiring entrepreneurs with their business and product ideas from the earliest stages.