Jan. 25, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford) has been appointed to serve as a deputy chairman for the House Republican Policy Committee during the 2023-24 Legislative Session. His focus will be on agricultural issues.

“The policy committee is an important tool for us to investigate problems and develop solutions to benefit all Pennsylvanians,” Owlett said. “I am pleased to be a part of this committee and especially to have the opportunity to help advance policies to support the men and women who put food on our tables. A healthy agriculture industry is vital to the future of our Commonwealth.”

Owlett noted the committee is especially important as it is able to conduct business regardless of the lack of action by newly elected Speaker of the House Mark Rozzi, who has refused to call the House into session and shut down the bill room, preventing lawmakers from even introducing legislation.

“We have so much work to do and really can’t afford to wait for this speaker to figure out how to run the chamber,” Owlett said. “The people of this Commonwealth deserve better.”

The House Republican Policy Committee conducts hearings and roundtable discussions about important statewide and regional issues that matter most to Pennsylvania citizens; gathers testimony and information from key stakeholders; and works within the House Republican Caucus to develop policies to address those issues.

More information about the Policy Committee is available online at PAGOPPolicy.com.

Representative Clint Owlett
68th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Patricia Hippler