Jun. 03, 2022

WHAT:    The House Majority Policy Committee will hold the first two hearings in a series to examine the cause and impact of historic inflation. 

WHO:    Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter), chairman, and members of the committee. The lawmakers will hear from the following testifiers:

June 8 Hearing: What Causes Inflation?
     • Dr. Shawn Ritenour, professor of economics, Grove City College
     • Christopher Hansford, director of state relations, CATO Institute
     • Carola Binder, associate professor of economics, Haverford College
     • Matthew Knittel, director, Independent Fiscal Office 
     • Dr. Mark Zandi, chief economist, Moody’s Analytics

June 9 Hearing: How Radical Liberal Policies Have Driven Inflation to Historic Highs
     • Greg Moreland, Pennsylvania state director, National Federation of Independent Business 
     • Veronique de Rugy, research fellow and political economy chair, The Mercatus Center 
     • Peter St. Onge, economist, The Heritage Foundation
     • Stacy Garrity, Pennsylvania Treasurer 

WHEN:    Wednesday, June 8, and Thursday, June 9, both at 9 a.m.

WHERE:    House Majority Caucus Room, Room 140 Main Capitol, Harrisburg

LIVE WEBSTREAMING:    Barring technical difficulties, the hearing will be streamed live at PAHouseGOP.com and PAGOPPolicy.com

Media contact: Patricia Hippler, 717.772.9846, phippler@pahousegop.com
