Jul. 26, 2021

WHAT: Reps. Rob Mercuri (R-Allegheny) and Lori Mizgorski (R-Allegheny) are hosting a House Majority Policy Committee hearing on growing Pennsylvania’s economy through the perspectives of education, business operations and economic development.

WHO: Mercuri; Mizgorski; Lou Leonard, dean of the Falk School, Chatham University; Dr. Quintin Bullock, president, Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC); Dan Flynn, president and CEO, Accipiter Systems; Gregg Troian, president, PGT Trucking; Jenn Beer, vice president, Greater Pittsburgh Chamber; Donald F. Smith, Jr., president, Regional Industrial Development Corporation (RIDC); and officials from Argo AI and Aurora who provided input at the roundtable discussion on Tuesday.

WHEN: Wednesday, July 28, at 9:30 a.m.

WHERE: Chatham University Eden Hall Campus, Esther Barazzone Center, Gibsonia.

Media contact: Nate Temple, 717-260-6396, ntemple@pahousegop.com.