House GOP Policy Committee to Hold Hearing on Human Trafficking
WHAT: House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Joshua D. Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), Rep. Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford) and other lawmakers will host a hearing titled “Uncovering Human Trafficking” to define human trafficking under state law and highlight the actions being taken to help identify, stop and prevent human trafficking from occurring in Pennsylvania.
WHO: Kail; Owlett; members of the committee; and testifiers Korrin Moon, founder, Lantern Rescue; Scott Henry, president, Northern Tier Law Enforcement Instructors Group; Jeff Rush, founder, Three Springs Ministry; Tom Marino, district attorney, Lycoming County; Joseph C. Peters, district attorney, Wyoming County; Heather Castellino, chief deputy attorney general, human trafficking section, Office of the Attorney General; and Gabriel Fabian, special agent, human trafficking section, Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office
WHEN: Thursday, Sept. 19, at 10 a.m.
WHERE: Three Springs Ministries,
874 Linck Hill Road, Morris, PA 16938
LIVESTREAM: Barring any technical difficulties, the hearing will be streamed online at
Media contact: Nancy Nilson, 717-260-6238,