Brown Hosts Policy Committee Hearing on Infrastructure, Transportation
NEW CASTLE – Citing the impact transportation and infrastructure will have on Pennsylvania’s future, Rep. Marla Brown (R-Lawrence) hosted a Republican Policy Committee hearing at the Crane Room Grille in New Castle to highlight the current obstacles and potential solutions to these critical facets of everyday life.

“Our economy needs reliable infrastructure and transportation to connect supply chains and efficiently move goods and services to different locations,” said Brown. “It connects households across the state to higher quality opportunities for employment, health care and education. Demographic and cultural changes, such as aging and diversification of our communities and shrinking households, underscore the need for new transportation to connect people and communities.”

Chad Marsilio, senior vice president and chief operating officer at PGT Trucking in Aliquippa, testified that Pennsylvania’s infrastructure received a “C-” grade in 2022 from members of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

“Pennsylvania has some of the oldest infrastructure in the country, and new construction efforts are continually delayed by increasing costs, parts and labor shortages and a growing backlog of emergency repairs,” said Marsilio. “Our state’s infrastructure is a vital part of the supply chain and transportation is one of the top industries that provides jobs, services and essential materials to support the economy.”

Scott Boyd, board member with Ellwood City Group, stated that upgrades need to be made to the existing infrastructure so they can move products and supplies better.

“Ellwood employs 1,400 team members in the state of Pennsylvania, and everyone relies on road and highway infrastructure to make their way to and from work,” said Boyd. “The condition and state of repair of this infrastructure fluctuates between barely passable to adequate, depending on season and which government entity is responsible. Our Pennsylvania team members pay over $5.75 million in employment taxes each year to the state and are sometimes frustrated with the lack of attention to the local infrastructure.”
House Republican Policy Chair Josh Kail noted that wisely spent dollars on infrastructure and transportation will create jobs, bolster our economy and attract more people to live and work in Pennsylvania.

“From buildings to bridges and highways, infrastructure and transportation play an extraordinary role in our everyday lives,” said Kail. “That’s why we must continue to be innovative so we can improve the lives of all Pennsylvanians. Thank you to Rep. Brown for providing the forum for this hearing and the testifiers for sharing important insight with us.”


Representative Marla Brown
9th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717.260.6437 (office), 717.497.8478 (cell) /